Monday, June 8, 2009

Expect the unexpected

I may complain about the TX heat but never about the long summer evenings! Not only does the sun finally relax its heat output, it slowly and softly slips away; creatures, including me, come out to catch the long lasting rays of light. I grab my 400mm and walk the prairie, treeline, and scour the edges of the pond for wildlife, as often as I can. Usually the only thing(s) I see are mosquitoes, ants, and gnats. I stumbled across a barred owl and got some decent pics in spite of the lack of light.

It does pay to return to the "scene of the crime"...I saw another slightly smaller owl 20 minutes later and followed it until it stopped and perched itself right in the evening sunlight! Owls are strange creatures and awesome to watch. A true photographer will suffer mosquito bites, even on the mouth, to get good shots!

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